Episode 08: 6 Mistakes I Made When Starting My Online Music Lessons Website (And How to Avoid Them)


Welcome to episode 8 of the Passive Income Musician Podcast! When I was in the beginning stages of my online music education business, I made a lot of mistakes. Looking back, if I would have avoided them, I probably would have sped up my success. In this episode, I go over 6 mistakes I made and how you can avoid them.

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If you want to become a passive income musician you are going to face roadblocks along the way. Every entrepreneur will face adversity in their business and you will make mistakes.

This could not be more true for me. When I look at my journey as a music entrepreneur, I recognize so many mistakes it’s almost hard to pick out which ones were the worst.

But I learned from those mistakes, educated myself, and that’s why I now have a successful jazz education business that makes me a solid full-time living.

In this episode, I take a trip down memory lane and break down some of the main mistakes I made in my business.

I want you to avoid these mistakes, and so I also give some actionable advice on how to get it right the first time.

Whether it be not starting a mailing list (and then not emailing them), not having a content strategy, or being too afraid to sell to your audience, if you can learn from my mistakes, then that’s a good day’s work for me!

In this episode:

1. I didn’t start a mailing list (and other mistakes along those lines).

2. I didn’t have a content strategy (and the basics of how you can build one). 

3. I didn’t insert myself into my content (left my personality out).

4. I wasn’t consistent with creating my free music lesson content.

5. I was afraid to sell to my audience (and how you can sell without being salesy).

6. I didn’t create the right kinds of products for my music students.

Mistakes are not all bad. In fact, they can be very good things as long as you take action on them. Some of the best lessons I’ve learned as a musician and an entrepreneur were through the mistakes I made.

The idea is not to be perfect, but to set yourself up for the best possible opportunity to succeed and build passive income as a musician.

Let me know in the comments:

Which one of these mistakes have you made or hope to avoid?

Important Links:

Episode 05: How to Start a Profitable Mailing List of Dedicated Music Students

Awesome Online Music Teaching Business Plan