Episode 10: How to Write a Music eBook (Step-by-Step Guide)


Welcome to episode 10 of the Passive Income Musician Podcast! One of my main passive income revenue streams is music eBooks. If done right, this can be a major asset for your music education business. However, planning, writing, and creating a music eBook is anything but easy. So on today’s episode, I walk you through my 11 step plan for creating your first one.

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I remember sending out the sales email for my first music eBook like it was yesterday.

I was a bit nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know if anyone would buy it. In fact, I didn’t know much of anything back then.

I waited patiently to see what would happen, and sure enough, not long after that email was sent I got a notification: you’ve made a sale.

The thrill of making your first sale from a product you’ve spent months pouring your heart and soul into is hard to describe. It’s a mad rush of excitement, adrenaline, and liberation.

Then another sale. And another. And another, another, another.

The lightbulb went off. My audience of musicians had been waiting for me to make this eBook. I didn’t even have to do much convincing. I had already gained their trust, and they were hungry for more.

Since that first eBook, I’ve come out with several since, as well as a few traditional publications. It’s safe to say I’ve learned the do’s and don’ts of writing a music eBook.

In this episode, I break things down in a way that I wish someone had done for me. Creating an eBook, and doing it right, is no small task. It takes planning, perseverance, and expertise.

I’m going to help make this simple so that you’re set up for success for your first music eBook.

In this episode:

1. Mind mapping to get your ideas out there and organized.

2. Validating your idea to make sure your music eBook idea is valuable to your audience.

3. Writing your books title and subtitle.

4. Creating an outline for your music eBook and what you should be outlining.

5. Identifying a timeline and deadline for completing your eBook.

6. Writing your book and exporting music notation images.

7. Hiring an editor for your music notation (and why).

8. Hiring a copy editor or doing it yourself.

9. Hiring a designer for your cover and interior, and compiling your music eBook.

10. The last editing phase and scrutinizing your product.

11. Packaging your music eBook and audio files (if included).

To this very day, I still make sales from my first music eBook. An eBook can be a powerful piece of your product portfolio and eBooks have made me tens of thousands of dollars in revenue.

My advice is to just start. There has never been a better time, and I want you to have success. Follow the 11 steps I’ve provided and you’ll have built a powerful product that will continually serve your audience and put money in your wallet.

Let me know in the comments:

What’s an idea you have for your first music eBook?

Important Links:




The Jazz Standards Playbook (one of my eBooks)

Episode 05: How to Build a Profitable Mailing List of Dedicated Music Students