Episode 23: Coming Up With Content Ideas For Your Music Education Website


Welcome to episode 23 of the Passive Income Musician Podcast! Coming up with new content ideas for your online music students can be overwhelming. Maybe you feel like you’ve covered everything already, or maybe you feel like you can’t think of any ideas. In this episode, I share my 5 step process for content brainstorming so you can keep those ideas flowing.

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If you’ve been creating content for your music education blog, podcast, or YouTube channel for a while, you’ve probably struggled to come up with new ideas.

Maybe you feel like you’ve exhausted all of the topics you can teach or talk about, or maybe you just struggle to come up with ideas.

All content creators and music teachers can probably relate to this. But coming up with consistent new content is a huge part of building an audience of our ideal music students. We need to keep producing great content.

In this episode, I go over my 5 step process for conducting a content brainstorm. At the end of this brainstorm, you should have a bunch of new ideas to share with your audience.

In this episode:

1. Setting aside time for your content brainstorm.

2. Identifying your main “focus topics.”

3. Writing down words or sentences under each focus topic to start generating ideas.

4. Identifying ideas you would like to develop further.

5. Create rough draft titles for each idea.

This process should help take some of the stress out of content creation. Once you have that big list of new music lessons and ideas, all that’s left is to create them.

Carve out some time to brainstorm some ideas using this process and see how it goes!

Let me know in the comments:

How do you come up with new ideas for content?

Important Links:

Episode 12: Content Marketing Strategy 101 for Building Passive Income as a Musician

Episode 04: How to Create Killer Content to Attract Your Ideal Music Students

Free Content Checklist