Episode 26: 10 Books On Business and Marketing Musicians Need to Read


Welcome to episode 26 of the Passive Income Musician Podcast! One common activity that some of the most successful people in the world engage in is reading. Reading business and marketing books have had a huge impact on my music education business and helping me think more like a business person than a creative. I list 10 books that you should read.

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I don’t know where I would be in my online music education business if it weren’t for reading books.

Reading business and marketing books helped me to think less like a creative and more like a business person, and as a musician, that was something I needed to do.

Books have been so impactful for me that I’ve started writing a book specifically for musicians who want to make an income teaching music online.

However, you don’t need to read books specifically for musicians. You need to read books about business and marketing by those who are very successful at it.

In this episode, I share with you the 10 books that have made a huge impact on my music education business.

Pick two or three of these to get started with. Even if you are someone who doesn’t like to read, I want to encourage you to start.

You may be surprised how much you enjoy reading and learning when you can apply these things directly to your business.

Important Links:

Awesome Online Music Teaching Business Plan