Episode 38: Creating a 3-Part Video Series to Sell Your Online Music Course


Welcome to episode 38 of the Passive Income Musician Podcast! There are many different ways you can go about selling your online music course, but one way that I’ve found effective is the 3-part video series. This is an email sales funnel that leads your prospective online music students through a sales process, that delivers massive value, and pitches them your product at the end. Learn how to set this up to ramp up your sales!

Listen to episode 38

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There are 2 common problems that I think music entrepreneurs face when trying to sell their online music courses.

The first problem is getting people to know, like and trust them, so that they feel comfortable buying a product from them. The second problem is getting the customers to know whether that product is truly the right investment for them.

So, how do you answer those problems? How do you walk these customers through a sales process to lead them to that transformation to eventually buy your music course?

Well, I like to use a 3-part video lesson series to walk my potential customers through a sales process to offer them a product at the end and I’m going to show you exactly how I do it in today’s episode, step by step, I’m not going to leave out any details.

In this episode:

1. What a 3-part video series (or mini-course) is

2. The 3 videos, what’s in them, and how I lead my customers to a sale

3. My exact email sequence to one of my 3-part video series

Thanks for listening to this episode of the Passive Income Musician Podcast. If you aren’t already, make sure you are subscribed on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

I look forward to having you join me in the next episode!

Important Links:

My “Accelerate Your Jazz Skills” mini-course landing page

Episode 29: How to Create and Launch an Online Music Course

Launch by Jeff Walker

Awesome Online Music Teaching Business Plan