Episode 18: How Jeff Schneider Built His Business Teaching Music On YouTube


Welcome to episode 18 of the Passive Income Musician Podcast! YouTube is a great way for musicians to deliver valuable free content to build their audience of music students. Our guest, Jeff Schneider lets us in on how his music education business works and how he utilized YouTube to build an audience and make money teaching music online.

Listen to episode 18

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YouTube is an excellent platform for musicians to consider creating free music education content to build an audience.

Especially if your music niche involves showing someone how to play an instrument or learn software, video is a great way to deliver value to your audience.

But how do you start, grow and monetize a YouTube channel? How do you start getting subscribers and musicians to view your videos?

To answer those questions I have special guest, composer, pianists, saxophonist and YouTuber, Jeff Schneider on the show to help us out.

Jeff makes a full-time living off of his online music education business, and the main way he fuels his business and builds his audience is through YouTube.

If you want to learn how to utilize YouTube to build an income online through your musical talent, this is a must listen.

In this episode:

1. How Jeff Schneider started his YouTube channel.

2. How Jeff makes money with YouTube (revenue streams)

3. How Jeff uses his videos to build his mailing list and sell his products.

4. What gear you need to get started making videos on YouTube.

5. Jeff’s top tips for a musician wanting to grow their YouTube channel.

I think one of the biggest takeaways was how Jeff utilizes multiple different revenue streams to drive income into his business. And while YouTube is his main content delivery platform, his website still serves as his home base.

Another big takeaway is it’s not about the numbers. You don’t need to have a million subscribers on YouTube to be successful. You just need to have a small tribe of super fan music students who love your content and want to engage in everything you do.

Let me know in the comments:

What ways are you going to monetize your YouTube channel or one you are going to start?

Important Links:

Jeff Schneider’s Website

Episode 12: Content Marketing Strategy 101 for Building Passive Income as a Musician

Episode 02: 5 Ways to Make Passive Income Teaching Music Online

Episode 15: I Started Writing a Book (And Why Starting Matters)

Awesome Online Music Teaching Business Plan